Pet Counselling

Pet Counselling is a professional service of support for pet owners. The relation with our pets is a special one, and often not entirely understood by others. Our pets live positive and negative moments with us, without judging, but just being there providing us with their unconditional love and acceptance. For most of us they are our secure affective base. That is why their illness or death can be very unsettling and painful for pet owners. The main aim of this service is to help individuals express freely their emotions for their pets while being understood and emotionally supported. This service can be particularly useful for issues related to anger management, anxiety, bereavement and stress.


  • Downing, Robin (2000) Pets Living with Cancer: A Pet Owner’s Resource. DVM, American Animal Hospital Association.
  • Carmack, Betty J. (2003). Grieving the Death of a Pet. Augsburg Fortress Publishers.
  • Gallucci, Pier Luigi (2018). Il dolore negato. Affrontare il lutto per la morte di un animale domestico.
Sonia Gallucci Counselor 08