When we practice focusing and get familiar with our felt-sense, we enter into a special relation with our body, since we experience a process of own bodily awareness that can lead to emotional restoration.
When we face mortality we experience a whole gamut of unsettling emotions, as part of our bereavement process. Acknowledging this process can help us coping with it and move forward.
The ability to manifest our basic emotions through facial expressions is universal. However, the ways in which we express more complex emotions is influenced by culture.
Death anxiety is a wide subject of research across natural and social sciences. These have the common objective to understand the biologic, psychological and sociocultural dimensions of this phenomenon.
Sometimes we are afraid of entering into contact with the Other (the Different from me). Why? Here is a brief existential-philosophical account on some of the possible factors determining the ways in which we interrelate to others.
Foreign Language Learning can be considered as an integral part of a wider process of Intercultural Learning, where social and cultural practices are a crucial part of it.